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Enhance Your Projects with Our Expert Solutions

Maximize Your Commercial Appeal with Our Project Management and Financial Advantages

Free Design Service

Take advantage of our complimentary design service! Starting with your floorplans, exterior designs, and specific requirements, our expert team will create custom drawings, specify the necessary heaters, and guide you through every step of the design process.

Next Steps

Our specialists are ready to assist you with:

  • Existing Floor Plans
  • Layout and Environment
  • Project Budget
  • Product Selection
  • Installation Requirements

Share your project information, and our team will respond within a few business days with the next steps.

Exclusive Offers for Development & Construction Clients

We offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Efficient, no-emission, no-oxide, and no-smoke indoor fireplace solutions
  • Specialized display stock programs for display homes or apartments
  • Free Metro Delivery (Regional deliveries at Metro rates)
  • Supplier support guarantees and warranties
  • Customer service and demonstrations for your clients

Our current market includes relationships with architects, developers, and builders who design or build 10-90 apartment developments or 5-1500+ homes per year.

Experience the Decoflame Net Zero Fireplaces Advantage

Our showroom is designed to provide demonstrations of any fireplace for your customers. Our Commercial Consultants support homeowners post-handover with technical support and demonstrations, ensuring ease and satisfaction.

Comprehensive Architectural Consulting

Our experienced Architectural Consultants handle the time-consuming tasks, assisting with plans, specifications, design, project management, and build. We review architect specification sheets and provide installation manuals, user manuals, and other detailed documentation as needed.

Reliable Partnerships

We partner with well-established Commercial Advisory Divisions, ensuring over 15 years of excellence. This makes us the perfect partner for your procurement team. Regardless of your residential development's location in Australia, we provide high volumes of products with unmatched quality and customer service.

Contact Us

For an Architectural Consultant or to build a partnership, contact us at